
Showing posts from November, 2019

HTML Basic Elements

HTML Basic Elements  HTML Basic Elements : It includes HTML documents , paragraphs , headings , links, images , lists etc... HTML Documents  <!DOCTYPE html> : All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration HTML document begins with <html> and ends with </html> tag. Main part / visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body> tag. Program : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> NibKarma HTML </title> </head> <body> </body> </html> HTML Headings Headings in html are possible <h1> , <h2> , <h3> , <h4> , <h5> and <h6>. Program : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> NibKarma HTML </title> </head> <body> <h1> NibKarma </h1> <h2> NibKarma </h2> <h3> NibKarma </h3> <h4> NibKarma </h4> <h5> NibKarma </h5> <h6> NibKarma </h6...

CSS Colors

CSS Colors Setting Color Property : The shading property normally characterizes the shade of the content substance of a component. For example: The shading property indicated in the body selector characterizes the default content shading (closer view shading all in all) for the entire page. body {     color: #000000; } Hues in CSS regularly indicated by the accompanying techniques: a HEX value - like "#ff0000" an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)" a color name - like "red" Take a gander at CSS Color Names for a total rundown of conceivable shading names. Influence of Color Property on Borders and Outlines  The shading property isn't only for content substance, yet for anything in the frontal area that takes a shading esteem. For example, if fringe shading or blueprint shading worth hasn't been characterized unequivocally for the component, the shading worth will be utilized. {     color: #0000ff;     borde...

CSS Syntax

CSS Syntax A CSS rule consists of a set of style rules that are interpreted by the browser and then applied to the corresponding elements in the document. Syntax CSS rules have two main parts, a selector and one or more declarations: CSS Selector Syntax Illustration Selectors are used to declare which of the markup elements a style applies to. The declarations that appear in the block that follows the selector may be applied to all elements of a specific type, or only those elements that match a certain attribute. You will learn more about selectors in next chapter. Each declaration consists of a property and a value. The property is the style attribute you want to change; they could be color or border etc. Each property has a value, for example color property can have value either blue or #0000FF etc. h1 {color:blue; text-align:center;} To make the CSS more readable, you can put one declaration on each line, like this: Example : h1 {     color:...

HTML Head Element

HTML Head Element  HTML Head Element  The <head> component is a compartment for metadata (information about information) and is put between the <html> tag and the <body> tag. HTML metadata is information about the HTML archive. Metadata isn't shown. Metadata ordinarily characterize the record title, character set, styles, contents, and other meta data. The accompanying labels depict metadata: <title>, <style>, <meta>, <link>, <script>, and <base>. The HTML <title> Element  The <title> component characterizes the title of the archive, and is required in all HTML records. The <title> component:  characterizes a title in the program tab gives a title to the page when it is added to top choices shows a title for the page in web crawler results A basic HTML report:  The HTML <style> Element The <style> component is utilized to characterize style dat...

HTML Layouts

HTML Layouts  HTML Layout Elements : Sites frequently show content in numerous sections (like a magazine or paper). HTML offers a few semantic components that characterize the various pieces of a site page: HTML5 Semantic Elements  <header> - Defines a header for a record or an area <nav> - Defines a compartment for route joins <section> - Defines an area in a report <article> - Defines a free independent article <aside> - Defines content beside the substance (like a sidebar) <footer> - Defines a footer for an archive or an area <details> - Defines extra subtleties <summary> - Defines a heading for the <details> component HTML Layout Techniques  There are five distinct approaches to make multicolumn formats. Every way has its advantages and disadvantages: HTML tables  CSS drift property  CSS flexbox  CSS structure  CSS matrix  Which One to Cho...

html table

HTML Table html table : Presentation  You might need to consider utilizing HTML tables in your site. Notwithstanding making HTML tables to show information in lines and sections, you can likewise make HTML tables to sort out data on your site page. The way toward making a HTML table is like the procedure that you used to make your website page and any components that you may have just incorporated into your page. for example, connections or casings. Coding HTML tables into your site page is genuinely simple since you need just comprehend a couple of fundamental table codes. Making a fundamental table  The fundamental structure of a HTML table comprises of the accompanying labels:  Table labels: <TABLE> </TABLE> Column labels: <TR> </TR> Cell labels: <TD> </TD> Developing a HTML table comprises of portraying the table between the starting table tag, <TABLE>, and the completion table tag, </TABLE...

HTML Formatting Elements

HTML Formatting Elements  HTML Formatting Elements : The HTML defines special elements for give format to a text and defining text with a special meaning. HTML uses elements like <b> and <i> for formatting output and convert to bold or italic text. Formatting elements are : <b> - Bold text <i> - Italic text <sub> - Subscript text <sup> - Superscript text <strong> - Important text <em> - Emphasized text <mark> - Marked text <small> - Small text <del> - Deleted text <ins> - Inserted text <b> - Bold text : The <b> element use to display text as bold. Here is an example: <i> - Italic text The <i> elements use for text to be displayed as italic. Here is an example: <sub> - Subscript text The <sub> elements use for text to be displayed in smaller characters (subscript). Here is an example: <sup> - Superscript text This <sup> elements use for text to be displayed in smal...