CSS Colors

CSS Colors

Setting Color Property :

The shading property normally characterizes the shade of the content substance of a component.

For example:

The shading property indicated in the body selector characterizes the default content shading (closer view shading all in all) for the entire page.

body {

    color: #000000;


Hues in CSS regularly indicated by the accompanying techniques:

a HEX value - like "#ff0000"

an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)"

a color name - like "red"

Take a gander at CSS Color Names for a total rundown of conceivable shading names.

Influence of Color Property on Borders and Outlines 

The shading property isn't only for content substance, yet for anything in the frontal area that takes a shading esteem. For example, if fringe shading or blueprint shading worth hasn't been characterized unequivocally for the component, the shading worth will be utilized.

p.one {

    color: #0000ff;

    border: 2px solid;


p.two {

    color: #00ff00;

    outline: 2px solid;


CSS Colors - Hex Codes 

A hexadecimal is a 6 digit portrayal of a shading. The initial two digits(RR) speak to a red worth, the following two are a green value(GG), and the last are the blue value(BB).

A hexadecimal worth can be taken from any designs programming like Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paintshop Pro, or in any event, utilizing Advanced Paint Brush.

Each hexadecimal code will be gone before by a pound or hash sign '#'. Following are the guides to utilize Hexadecimal documentation.

Shading Color HEX 










CSS Colors - Short Hex Codes 

This is a shorter type of the six-digit documentation. In this arrangement, every digit is duplicated to land at a proportionate six-digit esteem. For instance: #6A7 becomes #66AA77.

A hexadecimal worth can be taken from any illustrations programming like Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paintshop Pro, or in any event, utilizing Advanced Paint Brush.

Each hexadecimal code will be gone before by a pound or hash sign '#'. Following are the guides to utilize Hexadecimal documentation.

Shading Color HEX 









CSS Colors - RGB Values 

This shading worth is determined utilizing the rgb( ) property. This property takes three qualities, one each for red, green, and blue. The worth can be a number somewhere in the range of 0 and 255 or a rate.


All the programs doesn't bolster rgb() property of shading so it is prescribed not to utilize it.

Following is the guide to show scarcely any hues utilizing RGB values.

Shading Color RGB 











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