What Is Operating System? Knowledge Of OS!!

What Is Operating System? Knowledge Of Operating System!!!

Operating System : 

Operating system is a program that controls the execution of application programs.it is an interface between application and hardware .

Os provides different types of view .

For users,  it is abstract view because it provides features which are important for users.Os is intermediary between user and the computer system.

The major design goals of an operating system are:

  1. Efficient use of a computer system.
  2. User convenience 
  3. ability to evolve
An Os is software that manages the computer hardware. The hardware must provide appropriate mechanism to ensure the correct operation of the computer system and to prevent user programs from interfacing with the proper operation of the system.

For Example it uses CPU and memory.  CPU is busy with scheduling and memory is occupied by instruction and required data.

This is one type of overhead and because of this lesser resources are available to the user.
An Os makes a computer more convenient to use.

If the operating system can not allocates the free available resources to program or it over allocates the resources then efficiency is poor.

Efficient use :

For efficient use of resources, it must be monitor by operating system. Proper scheduling of resources is also require.

Computer contains different types resources like CPU,memory and I/October device etc. Proper monitoring is require on these resources to avoid the overhead. As per the resources,scheduling is require.

Special attention for CPU and memory. If memory is not free then user can not load new program into the memory. Then CPU will be busy with memory management.

User convenience :

User convenience is affected by Computing environment of the computer system. 

The Computing environment is comprised of computer system, it's interfaces with other systems and nature of computations performed by its users.
Following factors are considered while considered user convenience :

  1. Good services 
  2. Ease to use
  3. New programming model
  4. Evolution
  5. User friendly OS

Ability to evolve :

 An OS should be constructed in such a way as to permit the effective development. testing and introduction of new system functions without at the same time interfering with service.

Task performed by Operating systems:

  1. Maintain the list of resources in the system. 
  2. Maintain the list of authorized users.
  3. Initiate the execution of programs and process.
  4. Maintain resource usage list.
  5. Maintain the resource allocated list.
  6. Scheduling of resources 


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