Basic Program Of C Language For Print Hello!!

Basic Program Of C Language For Print Hello!!

We can practice for C language in turbo c++ application and reliable for practice of C.
we will write a basic program of C for print Hello. So, First of all in every  C program we have to write this two sentences.


These are two header files, first is stdio.h it means standard input-output header files which handles your programs printf and scanf statements.

second is conio.h it means console input-output header files which handles clrscr() and getch() commands in program.
clrscr() : clrscr() is used for clear output screen from previous program output.
getch() : getch() is used for get all data we write in program, without getch program can not run.

Write a program to print Hello.

void main()

  • after write this program press[alt+f9] for compile the program and it returns created error otherwise compile and shows error is 0.
  • after that for execution of program press[ctrl+f9] it runs program and give output as per below :


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