Data Types in C++

Data Types in C++

C ++ provides following data types :

we can derive data types into three parts:

  1. Primary data type
  2. Derived data type.
  3. user defined data type

Primary data type 

It is also known as inbuilt data type.

char :

 Size : 1 byte
 Range : -128 to 127

unsigned char :

 Size : 1 byte
 Range : 0 to 255

short or int :

 Size : 2 byte
 Range : -32,768 to 32,767

unsigned int :

 Size : 2 byte
 Range : 0 to 65535

long :

 Size : 4 byte
 Range : -2147483648 to 2147483648

unsigned long :

 Size : 4 byte
 Range : 0 to 4294967295

float :

 Size : 4 byte
 Range : 3.4e-308 to 3.4e+308

double :

 Size : 8 byte
 Range : 1.7e-308 to 1.7e+308

long double :

 Size : 10 byte
 Range : 3.4e-4932 to 1.1e+4932

Derived data type

Array : Array is a fixed sized sequence collection of elements of the same data type.
Function : a group of statements combined into one block for specific purpose.
Pointer : Pointer is a special variable which contains address of another variable.

User Defined data type

An user defined data type is defined by programmer as per his/her requirement.
Structure : Structure is a collection of logically related data of different data types grouped together and known by a single name.
Union : Union is like a structure, except that each elements share the common memory.
Class : Class is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are created.


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