Basic Concepts Of OOPC!!

Basic Concepts Of OOPC !!


OOPC is a object oriented programming which is contain many concept of class and objects.
There are many concept like Inheritances, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation etc...

 List Of Concepts :

  •  Class
  • Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Message passing


  • Class is a blueprint for any functional entity.
  • It defines attributes and methods.
  • a class is a implementation of abstract data type.
  • a class is template that specifies the attributes and behaviour of objects.

Objects :

  • Object is instance of class.
  • Every object has it's unique identity.
  • Object is the variable of type class.
  • Object is a component of a program that knows how to interact with other pieces of program.
  • Object can be nothing from the real world.


  • Inheritance means mechanism of one class derived from another class.
  • old class is known as base class.
  • new class is known as derived class.
  • it is the process by which can acquire methods and properties of another class.
  • derived class may have all features of base class.
  • Ex. student is a base class and result is derived class.
Recommend Articles For More Information :


  • Polymorphism means ability to take more than one form.
  • it allows a single name to be used for more than one place.
  • the concept of polymorphism is 'one interface,multiple methods'.
  • it means using generic interface for relative activities.
  • it reduces complexity by allowing one interface to specify a general class of action.

  • abstraction means showing only the required things to the outside world an hiding the data.
  • they just represent essential features without including background details.
  • they bind all essential properties of the object.
  • sometimes attribute called 'data members' because it holds information.
  • also functions called 'methods' and 'member functions'.
  • it uses for data security.
  • binding data and functions into single unit is called Encapsulation.
  • in C++ data can't access to the outside wold.
  • only those functions are accessible which are bind together.

Message Passing
  • program contains set of object which communicates with each other.
  • Message Passing involves the object name, function name and the information to be sent.
  • Example : employee.salary(name);
  • in above statement employee is an object, salary is message, and name is information to be sent.


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