Machine Learning Technology in Software Engineering

Machine Learning Technology In Software Engineering!!!!

Machine Learning

Develop by : Arthur Samuel in 1959

What Is Machine Learning ?

Machine Learning is a Subset of Artificial Intelligence In Field Of Computer Science.It Learn To Take Decision It Self And Understand Algorithms.

Why Machine Learning ?

We Use Machine Learning Technology For Minimum Interval Of Humans In work Or We Can Also Say That We Get Faster Result With Machine Learning. We Can Done More Work Than person Can Do.

Recommend Articles For More Information :

Machine Learning Technology in Software Engineering

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In Simple Terms Machine Learning Is Using Data To Answer Questions. 

For Example :

Google Self-Driving Car

A self-driving tech company with a mission to make it safe and easy for people and things to move around.

Face Recognition :

Facial recognition system is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image.or a video frame from a video source.

7 Steps For Machine Learning Output

  1. Gathering Data
  2. Data Preparation 
  3. Choosing  Model
  4. Training 
  5. Evaluation 
  6. Parameter Tuning 
  7. Prediction

1.Supervised : Which is Depend Of Both Input And Output Of Data.


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