C Program For Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Of Two Numbers!!

C Program For Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Of Two Numbers!!

in c programming we can apply arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

Let say we take two values of integer type which applied by user.

When we perform division of two integer values then answer will be in integer form.

For Ex : if we perform 5/2 than we get answer 2.

if we want to get proper answer 2.5 then we need to do explicit conversion which is known as typecasting.

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Write a program for perform various arithmetic operations.

  • Here, as shown in above program we use variable C for store value of operations.
we enter two numbers 5 and 2 than sum will be 7 ,subtraction will be 3, multiplication will be 10 and division will be 2 because it convert value in integer.

Output :

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