Trending Pieces Of Technology You Should Know About!!!

Trending Pieces Of Tech You Should Know About!!!

You Should Know About This Technologies! !

1. Blockchain

2. Artificial Intelligence

3. Virtual Reality

4. Voice Assistance

5. Internet Of  Things(IOT)

6. Cloud Computing

1. Blockchain


  • The Blockchain is a secure Transaction ledger database that is shared by all parties participating in an established distributed network of computers.
  • It allows information to be distributed but not copied.
  • It create backbones of a new type of Internet and devised for digital currency Bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin known as " Digital Gold ".

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Trending Pieces Of Technology You Should Know About!!!


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2. Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence is a machine Intelligence.
  • It means it is simulation of human intelligence process by machine.
  • It includes learning, Reasoning,and self-correction.
  • Example. Robo Reader, Commercial flights use an AI autopilot

3. Virtual Reality

  • Virtual reality makes possible to experience everything, anywhere,anytime.
  • Commonly use in entertainment applications such as Gaming, 3D Cinema.
  • In robotics Virtual Reality has been used to control robots.

4. Voice Assistance

  • Voice Assistance can perform services and tasks for an individual.
  • It is a software agent.
  • It is generally uses for online chat, we sends voice messages .
  • With use of Voice Assistance Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa grow day by day.
  • Example : Google Assistant via chat on the Google Allo app.

For More Knowledge Check This Articles For Better Understanding :

Introduction Of C++!!.

Operators In C++

Function Overloading In C++

Data Types in C++

Types Of Constructor In C++

Classes and Objects In C++

What Is Inheritance In C++?

Types Of Inheritance?

Basic Concepts Of OOPC!!


Basic Program Of C Language For Print Hello!!

5.Internet Of Things

  • It is network of any physical devices,home applications with connect with electronics software, sensors, actuators and connectivity.
  • Internet Of Things is an ecosystem of connected physical object that are accessible to the internet .

  • IOT used in Agriculture

                      Energy Management
                      Enterprise Application
                      Smart Home

6. Cloud Computing

  • In Simple terms Cloud Computing is a delivery of hosted services over the internet.
  • Cloud Computing is the use of various services, such as software development.
  • Platforms,servers,storage and software over the Internet which known as 'cloud'.

  • There are three types of Cloud Computing :
    1. Infrastructure as a service  (Iaas)
    2. Platform as a service  (Paas)
    3. Software as a service  (Saas)

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