Introduction To HTML Tutorial !!
Introduction To HTML Tutorial !!
Introduction To HTML Tutorial :
HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language.
HTML is markup language for create web pages.
With HTML you can create your own website.
HTML is easy to learn.
HTML is used for build static website.
It contains predefined tags.
HTML file save with .html extension.
In Html every tag should be closed.
HTML consists of a series of elements
Tags Should Present In Every HTML File :
In html file first tag should be <html> and end tag is </html>.
All other tags and codes placed in between starting and ending html code.
<head> - header of the title.
<title> - title of the file is placed in between this tag.
<body> - all heading , paragraphs and all content of the page is placed in between this tag.
<h1> to <h6> are used to heading format.
<p> tag are used to paragraph.
And many more tags are used in html file.
Let's see an example :
Program :
<title> NibKarma HTML </title>
<!-- Heading -->
<h1> NibKarma </h1>
<h2> NibKarma </h2>
<h3> NibKarma </h3>
<h4> NibKarma </h4>
<h5> NibKarma </h5>
<h6> NibKarma </h6>
<!-- Paragraph -->
<p> Nibkarma HTML And CSS </p> </body>
Output :
Here, <h1> to <h6> are different heading tags and <p> is used for paragraph as shown in above html file.
File must be save with .html extension.
After that file should launch or execute in any browser.
Html is very easy to learn and create a code for static web page.
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